Conference Recordings

Download ALL 4 Audio mp3 files plus a Promo Video mp4 file for FREE 🙂
Total running time : almost 6 hrs
1) The Family Economy – Reviving a 6000 Year Tradition! ( 55 MB)
2) The Solution to the Youth Milieu – Discipleship and Mentorship ( 55.6 MB)
3) Why Families Need Freedom to Build a Fruitful Legacy ( 57.3 MB)
4) Panel session – Challenges and Rewards of Family Economy ( 55.6 MB)
5) Promo video – a FREE 10 minutes excerpt for you to see the quality of the video. (111 MB)


 Download ALL 4 Video mp4 files for only $13.00 (high quality video)
↠Download a FREE 10 minutes excerpt for you to see the quality of the video.
Total running time : almost 6 hrs
1) The Family Economy – Reviving a 6000 Year Tradition! ( 943 MB)
2) The Solution to the Youth Milieu – Discipleship and Mentorship ( 958 MB)
3) Why Families Need Freedom to Build a Fruitful Legacy ( 1.15 GB)
4) Panel session – Challenges and Rewards of Family Economy ( 960 MB)


DVD Purchase – only $18.00  for a 2 DVDs-set. 
Total running time :  6 hrs
1) The Family Economy – Reviving a 6000 Year Tradition!
2) The Solution to the Youth Milieu – Discipleship and Mentorship
3) Why Families Need Freedom to Build a Fruitful Legacy
4) Panel session – Challenges and Rewards of Family Economy

Bonus (not included in digital download): Special Music by Quintessence Ensemble.

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